API standard 650 self anchored flatbottom tanks stored liquid
Shell Stiffening Rings for Tanks That Contain LiquidInternal or external shell stiffening rings may be required to maintain roundness when the tank is subjected to wind, vacuum, or other specified loads. When API standard 650 self anchored flatbottom tanks stiffening rings are required, the stiffener-to-shell weld details shall be in accordance with Figure Q-1 and Q.3.5.2 through Q.3.5.5.Three-plate laps or butt-weld junctions in tank bottoms shall be not closer than 12 in. from each other or from the butt-welds of the annular plates.Bottom plates, other than annular bottom plates for a 9% or 5% nickel steel or stainless steel tank that contains liquid, may have a minimum thickness of 3/16 in. exclusive of any specified corrosion allowance.
API 650 stipulates that an open tank should be provided with a wind-resistant ring to ensure that the API standard 650 self anchored flatbottom tanks tank body maintains its roundness when subjected to wind. There are no hard and fast rules for vault API 650 storage tanks. It can be determined by comparing the equivalent wall height with the maximum height of the unreinforced tank wall.
Generally, the building area temperature of the API standard 650 self anchored flatbottom tanks should be considered before the tank design and construction. The temperature in the API standard 650 self anchored flatbottom tanks building area is closely related to the evaporation loss, energy loss, storage tank materials and the selection of detection instruments, or has a direct impact on the storage cost of the storage liquid. For the same medium, the higher the air temperature and the longer the duration, the higher the material temperature in the API standard 650 self anchored flatbottom tanks, the higher the corresponding pressure and the more volatile loss.