API standard 650 larger diameter tanks metal temperature during hydrostatic testing
X-ray inspection is mainly applicable to the internal inspection of pressure bearing parts and materials of metal oil tanks such as API standard 650 larger diameter tanks. It can clearly find the blocky defects inside the welded joints. However, the cost and resource consumption of radiographic testing are large. Magnetic particle testing can effectively detect the surface and near surface defects of API standard 650 larger diameter tanks etc. metal oil tanks, but magnetic particle testing can not effectively identify the internal defects of oil tanks.
refrigerated tanks secondary components are those whose failure would not result in leakage of the liquid being stored. Secondary components also include those API standard 650 larger diameter tanks components that are not in contact with the refrigerated liquid but are subject to the refrigerated temperature vapors and have a combined tensile and primary bending stress under design conditions that does not exceed 6000 lbf/in.2. Secondary components that could be designed within this reduced stress are roof plates, including roof manways and nozzles with their reinforcement, roof-supporting structural members, and shell stiffeners.
The Standard has gained international recognition and is the standard of choice of most builders of large liquid above ground API standard 650 larger diameter tanks storage tanks. One reason for this is that the API 650 Standard was created and is revised by API committees comprised of the world s best tank structural engineers who also rely on the experience of tank owners and tank construction companies.