API standard 650 aluminum storage tanks lining

Prefabrication requirements for API standard 650 aluminum storage tanks, large vertical storage tanks:
1. The machined surface of the edge of the steel plate should be smooth, and there should be no defects such as slag inclusion, delamination, cracks, etc., and the surface hardened layer produced by the flame cutting groove should be removed.
2. Dimension deviation after steel plate processing: the deviation of plate width is less than 1.5 mm, the deviation of plate length is less than 2 mm, and the difference between diagonals is less than 3 mm.

A refrigerated tank may be a single-wall insulated tank or a double-wall tank that consists of an inner tank for storing the refrigerated liquid and an outer tank that encloses an insulation space (which usually has a lower gas pressure) around the inner tank. A double-wall tank is a composite tank, and the outer tank is not required to contain the product of the inner tank. In a double-wall tank, differences in API Standard 620 tank materials, design, and testing exist between the inner and outer tanks.

The welded API 650 tank in various sizes and capacities for internal pressures approximating atmospheric pressure (internal pressures not exceeding the weight of the roof plates), but a higher internal pressure API standard 650 aluminum storage tanks is permitted when additional requirements are met.

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