API standard 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks roof manufacturer

During heavy rain, closely observe the change of the water level in the storage area of the API standard 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks. If the water level rises to the dangerous range, drain the water immediately. There are more thunderstorms in heavy rain, and lightning protection devices should be installed in the API standard 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks area to avoid lightning accidents. Observe the groundwater level of the API standard 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks area at any time, clean and dredge the drainage ditch in time to ensure unobstructed drainage, and prevent the bottom of the API standard 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks from leaking and rusting due to untimely drainage.

Any joints between the adjacent sections of API 620 oil storage tank stiffening rings, as shown in Figure Q-1, shall be made so that the required moment of inertia of the combined ring-shell section is provided. Weld joints between adjacent sections shall be made with full-thickness and full-penetration butt-welds. Stiffening-ring butt-welds may employ metal backing strips. Backing strips and the associated welding shall be made in a manner that provides a smooth contour in the rat hole and all other weld joint ends. All weld passes shall be started at the rat hole and other weld joint ends and shall be completed by moving away from these ends. Passes shall be overlapped away from edges to provide a smooth continuous weld.

The API 650 petroleum storage tank standard is one of the most widely used design specifications. It is the API 650 standard of the American Petroleum Institute. The main goal of the API 650 standard is to promote the purchase and construction of vertical, above-ground, and welded manufacturing API standard 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks tanks through the requirements contained in its parts to ensure that the required safety regulations are met.

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