ISO 630 grade E275 plates API standard 650 carbon steel storage tanks

Generally, the building area temperature of the API standard 650 carbon steel storage tanks should be considered before the tank design and construction. The temperature in the API standard 650 carbon steel storage tanks building area is closely related to the evaporation loss, energy loss, storage tank materials and the selection of detection instruments, or has a direct impact on the storage cost of the storage liquid. For the same medium, the higher the air temperature and the longer the duration, the higher the material temperature in the API standard 650 carbon steel storage tanks, the higher the corresponding pressure and the more volatile loss.

Low-pressure Storage Tanks Fireproofing
Although general fire prevention and fire protection measures are expected to be fully covered by other safety codes, tanks API standard 650 carbon steel storage tanks constructed according to these rules, which may be subject to fire exposure resulting from any cause, shall have their supports suitably fireproofed.
Special consideration shall be given to provisions for ample drainage facilities for accidental spills or leakage of flammable contents from such tanks or adjacent piping and other equipment if the contents may become ignited.
Subject to special considerations in isolated locations, tanks in which flammable liquid products are stored at temperatures well above their average boiling point shall be suitably fireproofed or otherwise protected.

API 650 external floating roof storage tanks are generally called external floating roof API standard 650 carbon steel storage tanks tanks, which means that the storage tanks are externally open tanks without a dome design, and are equipped with vertical floating roofs. API 650 external floating roof storage tanks are usually used for large More than 20,000 cubic meters of open steel API standard 650 carbon steel storage tanks storage tanks for storing volatile petroleum products such as crude oil, gasoline, kerosene, etc.

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