API standard 650 storage tanks design pressure
When the API standard 650 storage tanks top shell course is the minimum thickness indicated in 5.10.4, Table 5-6 and Figure 5-6, details a – e, h and i, the minimum anchorage shall be designed for normal loads as specified by the Purchaser and by this standard. See for the allowable stress. When the top shell course is thickened beyond the minimum thickness provided in Table 5-6 or as in Figure 5-6, details f and g, or a knuckle is used, the minimum anchorage shall be designed for three times the internal design pressure. The allowable stress for this loading is 90% of the minimum specified yield strength of anchorage material.
Above-ground API 650 storage tanks (vertical cylindrical flat-bottomed storage tanks) allow the storage of large volumes of goods at low cost. The only limitation is that they API standard 650 storage tanks can be used under atmospheric pressure or relatively small internal pressure. There are different specifications and standards for the design of API 650 storage tanks.
The most popular standards for API standard 650 storage tanks are API Std 650, JIS B8501, BS2654, GB50341, etc. The formulas used in each standard are derived from the hoop stress calculation formula of membrane theory. Combined with the stress characteristics of API standard 650 storage tanks, plus the allowable stress, weld coefficient and additional wall thickness, the wall thickness calculation formula is complete. The allowable stress and weld coefficient are determined according to the material performance characteristics and construction technology level of each country. According to different API standard 650 storage tanks standards, the calculation results of tank wall thickness are sometimes quite different.