API Std 650 anchored tanks responsibilities
The preparatory work before the construction of the API Std 650 anchored tanks is directly related to the quality assurance, project progress, construction safety and other aspects of the entire oil tank project. Therefore, the preparation work before the API Std 650 anchored tanks construction should be paid attention to and planned. Before API Std 650 anchored tanks construction, you need to prepare conventional machinery, materials, and facilities, as well as the quality control of the project, such as the installation method of the API Std 650 anchored tanks, the welding method of the steel plate, and the inspection of the tank material. In addition, there is the most important item, construction safety protection.
Low-pressure storage tanks FireproofingAlthough general fire prevention and fire protection measures are expected to be fully covered by other safety codes, tanks API Std 650 anchored tanks constructed according to these rules, which may be subject to fire exposure resulting from any cause, shall have their supports suitably fireproofed.Special consideration shall be given to provisions for ample drainage facilities for accidental spills or leakage of flammable contents from such tanks or adjacent piping and other equipment if the contents may become ignited.Subject to special considerations in isolated locations, tanks in which flammable liquid products are stored at temperatures well above their average boiling point shall be suitably fireproofed or otherwise protected.
API 650 internal floating roof oil tank is a volatile liquid storage tank with a combination of a dome tank and an internal floating roof structure, which is a floating roof assembled under the dome of the API Std 650 anchored tanks storage tank. The combination of the vault roof outside the API 650 storage tank and the floating roof inside the tank has been widely used in gasoline, aviation kerosene and more volatile chemical liquids.