API standard 650 liquid-storage tanks primary drains
Cylindrical Oil storage tanks Discharge PipesWhen a discharge pipe is used on the outlet side of such relieving devices, its area shall be not less than the area of the valve outlet, or if a single pipe provides for discharge from several relief devices, its area shall be not less than the aggregate area of the valve outlets. The API standard 650 liquid-storage tanks discharge pipe shall be fitted with an open drain to prevent water or other liquids from lodging in the discharge side of the valves.Discharge pipes shall be supported so that no undue stress is placed on the valve body. Open discharges shall be placed and oriented so that the outflow is directed away from the tank and will not create a hazard over walkways, stairways, or operating platforms.
API 650 petroleum storage tank body design is mainly the design of tank bottom, API standard 650 liquid-storage tanks tank top and tank wall, and the design of tank wall is particularly important. As the main pressure bearing part of API 650 petroleum storage tank, the tank wall bears loads including liquid pressure, wind pressure, seismic load, opening stress, etc. The calculation of such loads is explained in detail in various API standard 650 liquid-storage tanks storage tank design standards. But in addition, the API 650 petroleum storage tank wall also bears the push-pull force and torque of the connected pipeline.
1200 tons API 5LGRB strips to Bangladesh. In December of 2015, we get one tender project from National Tubes Limited, which is a famous national enterprise in Bangladesh. It is an order of 1200 tons API 5L Gr. B steel strips, they bought these cargo to fabricate ERW pipe in local place.
}In the petrochemical industry and other industries, large vertical API standard 650 liquid-storage tanks are often used to store various production raw materials. Usually, the medium with high melting point and easy to crystallize at room temperature can be exported and used after heating, which involves the heating of large vertical storage tanks. The heating system is an auxiliary facility for heating of large vertical storage tank. It is often necessary to design external heating coil or internal heating coil system.
If customers have any difficult problems during use of the steel materials, they can contact the company's after-sales service department to feedback the existing problems. The after-sales department will reply as soon as possible to ensure that each customer has a good after-sales experience. Under special circumstances, the after-sales service department will start the problem-solving process, and the engineers in charge of the area will quickly follow up to solve the problem.