Erection requirements for API Std 650 storage tanks

The welded API 650 tank in various sizes and capacities for internal pressures approximating atmospheric pressure (internal pressures not exceeding the weight of the roof plates), but a higher internal pressure API Std 650 storage tanks is permitted when additional requirements are met.

Welders participating in the construction of API Std 650 storage tanks must pass the examination and perform welding within the validity period of the qualified items. Special operators such as on-site maintenance electricians, cranes, and shelf workers must hold job certificates. All oil pipelines need to use arc welding for bottoming and electric welding to ensure the welding quality. Oil tanks and process pipelines must be tested for non-destructive flaws in accordance with the flaw detection ratios and methods required by the design and acceptance specifications. The flaw detectors must be certified.

The refrigerated tank primary components shall also include those parts of a single-wall or an inner tank that are not in contact with the refrigerated liquid but are subject to the refrigerated temperature. Such API Std 650 storage tanks components include roof plates, roof manways and nozzles with their reinforcements, roof-supporting structural members, and shell stiffeners when the combined tensile and primary bending stresses in these components under design conditions are greater than 6000 lbf/in.2.

Our company is a specialized technical support and after-sales service organization - customer service center. At the same time, we have provided excellent technical API Std 650 storage tanks personnel and strong technical support for our company, and cultivated an excellent after-sales team for our company. Our company will appoint a full-time service manager to be responsible for the unified coordination of technical support and API Std 650 storage tanks after-sales service of the project.

Booking space and making power of attorney (ten copies of order); the data of the original order shall be correct and consistent to the greatest extent when making the order, so as to reduce the frequent changes in the subsequent process. For booking with the company's seal for booking space, if the accessories for booking space (such as the price confirmation document of the shipping company) need to be provided, they can only be booked with all of them. Obtain the shipping space allocation receipt and extract the ship name, voyage number and B / L number information.

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