EN 10025 grade S355 plates API Std 650 aboveground oil storage tanks
Crack treatment of API Std 650 aboveground oil storage tanks weld area: find out the crack tip with ray or ultrasonic flaw detection, drill cut-off holes at both ends of the crack with the cut-off method, the hole depth is slightly greater than the crack depth, or groove (crack stop groove) is made by angle grinder at both ends of the crack, shovel and grind the whole crack, and grind it into a suitable groove; use radiographic inspection and dye detection to verify that the crack has been completely excavated, and finally repair welding.
The API Std 650 aboveground oil storage tanks outer tank, which is not in contact with the vaporized liquefied gas, may be of single-welded lap or single-welded butt construction when the thickness does not exceed 3/8 in.; at any thickness, the API 620 oil tank outer tank may be of double- welded butt construction without necessarily having full fusion and penetration. Single-welded joints shall be welded from the outside to prevent corrosion and the entrance of moisture.
The Standard has gained international recognition and is the standard of choice of most builders of large liquid above ground API Std 650 aboveground oil storage tanks storage tanks. One reason for this is that the API 650 Standard was created and is revised by API committees comprised of the world s best tank structural engineers who also rely on the experience of tank owners and tank construction companies.