CSA G40.21 grade 300W plates API 650 cylindrical tanks

In cylindrical tank walls, the longitudinal weld joints in adjacent shell courses, including compression ring welds, shall be offset from each other a minimum distance of 12 in. The butt-weld around the periphery of a thickened insert plate, or the fillet weld around the periphery of a reinforcing plate, shall be at least the greater of 10 times the shell thickness or 12 in. from any butt-welded seam or the bottom-to-shell or roof-to-shell joint. As an alternative, the insert plate (or the API 650 cylindrical tanks reinforcing plate in an assembly that does not require stress relief) may extend to and intersect a flat-bottom-to-shell corner joint at approximately 90 degrees.

The API Std 650 standard published by the American Petroleum Institute (API) is designed to provide the petroleum industry with welded steel tanks for use in the API 650 cylindrical tanks storage of petroleum products and other liquid products commonly handled and stored by the various branches of the petroleum industry.

Sand blasting and derusting of API 650 cylindrical tanks uses compressed air as power and SiC, pomegranate sand and quartz sand as spraying materials to form high-speed jet beam, which is used to remove rust and dirt on the surface of metal storage tank and improve the binding force of workpiece with coating and plating material. Sand blasting is often used in API 650 cylindrical tanks construction.

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