ASTM A420 pipe API 650 welded steel storage tanks
Comparison of the quality of mechanical cleaning and manual cleaning of vertical storage tanks, API 650 welded steel storage tanks. The mechanical cleaning of the API 650 welded steel storage tanks can make the inside of the tank be thoroughly cleaned in multiple directions, and the cleaning quality is high, and the cleaned oil does not contain lumpy impurities. While the walls and roof of the API 650 welded steel storage tanks cannot be cleaned in multiple directions during manual cleaning, and the cleaning quality is not easy to be guaranteed. The oily sewage collected after cleaning usually contains a lot of lumpy impurities, and these oil products are difficult to clean.
API 620 Crude Oil Tank Non-pressure PartsWelds for pads, lifting lugs, and other nonpressure parts, as well as temporary lugs for alignment and scaffolding attached to primary components, shall be made in full compliance with a welding procedure qualified in accordance with Q.6.1. Lugs attached for erection purposes shall be removed, and any significant projections of API 650 welded steel storage tanks weld metal shall be ground to a smooth contour. Plate that is gouged or torn in removing the lugs shall be repaired using a qualified procedure and then ground to a smooth contour. Where such repairs are made in primary components, the area shall be inspected by the liquid-penetrant method. A visual inspection is adequate for repairs in secondary components.
The liquid level of API 650 oil storage tank is covered by floating roof. The storage liquid of API 650 oil storage API 650 welded steel storage tanks tank is isolated from the air, reducing air pollution, fire and explosion hazards, and easy to ensure the quality of liquid storage. It is especially suitable for the API 650 welded steel storage tanks storage of high-grade gasoline, jet fuel and toxic and easily polluted liquid chemicals.