ASTM A27 grade 415-205 floating roofs API standard 650 anchored tanks
The factors affecting the "small breathing" loss of API standard 650 anchored tanks are: 1. It is related to the change of temperature difference between day and night. The greater the change of temperature difference between day and night, the greater the loss of "small breathing"; on the contrary, the smaller the change of temperature difference between day and night, the smaller the loss. 2. It is related to the sunshine time of the oil storage tank. The longer the sunshine, the more the "small breathing" loss; otherwise, the less the loss.
API Standard 620 tank Appendix C describes the factors involved in obtaining adequate foundations for tanks that operate at atmospheric temperature. The foundations for refrigerated tanks are complicated because of the thermal movement of the tank, the insulation required for the bottom, the effects of foundation freezing and possible frost heaving, and the anchorage required to resist uplift. The services of a qualified foundation engineer are essential. Experience with tanks in the area may provide sufficient data, but normally a thorough investigation, including soil tests, would be required for proper design of the foundation.
Upon completion of API standard 650 anchored tanks construction, provide Purchase with a Vendor's Certification that the tank conforms to the requirements of API 650 and to the additional requirements as specified.