API Std 650 unanchored liquid-storage tanks bolting

Above the water level, all API Std 650 unanchored liquid-storage tanks welded joints, all welds around openings, and all piping joints against which the pneumatic pressure is acting shall be checked with a solution film. A visual inspection may be substituted for the solution-film inspection if the welded joint has previously been checked with a vacuum box. The solution-film inspection shall still be made, above the water level, on all welds around openings, all piping joints, and the compression ring welds, including the attachment to the roof and shell.API 650 internal floating roof oil tank executive standard: domestic design standard: GB50341-2003 "Vertical cylindrical steel welded oil tank design code"; domestic construction standard: GB50128-2005 "vertical cylindrical steel welded oil tank" Construction and Acceptance Specification; API Std 650 unanchored liquid-storage tanks Foreign design standard: API650-2007 "Standard for Welded Steel Petroleum Storage Tanks."In January 2019, one of our Vietnam customer purchased 395.62 tons Q345B steel plate API Std 650 unanchored liquid-storage tanks for their construction project, we prepared all the goods ready within 5 days, and supplied the goods with painting sand blasting to SA2.5 API Std 650 unanchored liquid-storage tanks and priming gray oxide primer, and arrange shipment in time. Meet the customer urgent delivery request.The construction period comparison of mechanical cleaning and manual cleaning for vertical storage tank, API Std 650 unanchored liquid-storage tanks. The API Std 650 unanchored liquid-storage tanks mechanical cleaning period is short, and the construction period is not affected by the size of the storage tank and the amount of sludge in the tank, and the cleaning equipment operates 24 hours a day. The manual cleaning of the API Std 650 unanchored liquid-storage tanks has a long construction period, which is easily affected by the external environment, and the number of workers is limited by the size of the storage tank and the amount of sludge.Both parties shall confirm the API Std 650 unanchored liquid-storage tanks material object and the quality of the products, confirm the reasons for the defects and the quality of the products, and sign the quality inspection agreement. Major quality objections shall be reported to relevant leaders in a timely manner, and shall be discussed and solved with the API Std 650 unanchored liquid-storage tanks steel plant.

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