API Std 650 insulated tanks convective spectral acceleration parameter
The interior of API 650 storage tanks to be internally lined or coated must have all edges rounded to a minimum of 3 mm radius. Internal welds must be completely seal welded, ground smooth, and free from API Std 650 insulated tanks surface porosity, pockets, and high spots. Remove weld spatter. Vendor as specified on API 650 storage tanks drawing must perform additional surface preparation.
The cone slope of the completed API Std 650 insulated tanks foundation is 15/1000 for the general foundation and less than 35/1000 for the soft foundation. After the foundation settlement of the storage tank is basically stable, the surface slope must be greater than eight thousandths. The edge of the tank bottom should be more than 0.3 meters higher than the surrounding ground. Above the ground, the tank bottom leakage detection tube should be drawn from the foundation sand cushion and cross the foundation ring wall or the slope protection surface. The circumferential distance should be less than 20 meters, and each API Std 650 insulated tanks should have at least 4 detection tubes.
Management concept: abide by laws, regulations and social norms. To improve the system of management, to carry out activities with high corporate ethics. Mutual respect, unity and harmony, create a "fair, just and open" good working environment for employees. Forge ahead, constantly pursue new technology innovation, create social value, and become a sustainable growth enterprise.
Hydrostatic TestThe API Std 650 insulated tanks product shall be vented to the atmosphere when it is filled with or emptied of water. During water filling, the elevations of at least four equidistant points at the bottom of the tank shell and on top of the ringwall or slab shall be checked. Differential settlement, or uniform settlement of substantial magnitude, requires an immediate stop to water filling. Any further filling with water will depend on an evaluation of the measured settlement.