API Std 650 duplex stainless steel tanks inlet diffusers
Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the products against the competitive products. Understand the industry situation and future trend. Understand the API Std 650 duplex stainless steel tanks product brand positioning appeal point, focus on the crowd and development direction. Understand the layout of each market area, and form a big strategic layout view. Understand the basic operation and assessment standards of work responsibilities. Understand the situation of the cooperative customers.When as-rolled plate material complies with impact test requirements as specified here, the material need not be normalized. If, as with ASTM A516, the specification prohibits impact test without normalizing but otherwise permits as-rolled plates, the API 620 welded storage tanks material may be ordered in accordance with the above provision and identified as “MOD” for this API modification.According to API standard 650, the stairs used for API 650 petroleum storage tanks or thermal insulation tanks should be double longitudinal beams supported by a minimum of ribs. If the gap between the API Std 650 duplex stainless steel tanks tank shell and the stringer of the API 650 petroleum storage tank exceeds 200mm, handrails should be provided on both sides of the stairs. Unless otherwise specified, according to API Std 650 duplex stainless steel tanks ASTM A123, the following accessories shall be hot-dip galvanized. The damaged zinc coating should be repaired with zinc alloy.Do a good job of thought introduction based on people. Human based management is the most important link in standardizing employee behavior management. In daily behavior management, we should establish the central position of human and play an important role of human. Employees are not only the builders and exercisers of corporate culture, but also the executors of code of conduct. The code of conduct should be finally implemented into the thoughts and actions of employees.Welders participating in the construction of API Std 650 duplex stainless steel tanks must pass the examination and perform welding within the validity period of the qualified items. Special operators such as on-site maintenance electricians, cranes, and shelf workers must hold job certificates. All oil pipelines need to use arc welding for bottoming and electric welding to ensure the welding quality. Oil tanks and process pipelines must be tested for non-destructive flaws in accordance with the flaw detection ratios and methods required by the design and acceptance specifications. The flaw detectors must be certified.
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