API standard 650 SUG I tanks fittings and attachments

Our technical department plays important role in our professional communication with customers, especially those who have high technical requirements for steel materials and those who need complex further processing. Under such condition, our technician department can provide technical support in time, anylize customer design or make drawing according to customer needs rapidly, so that we can proceed smoothly. The profession of our team has won great praise of customers.

The mechanical seal of floating roof API standard 650 SUG I tanks relies on mechanical force to press the sealing steel plate tightly against the tank wall, so that it can slide on the tank wall and avoid gap as far as possible. However, mechanical seal has high requirements for the geometry of storage tank and poor adaptability, so mechanical seal is rarely used in newly built floating roof API standard 650 SUG I tanks.

Combination of Design Loads
The inner tank API standard 650 SUG I tanks shall be designed for the most critical combinations of loading that result from internal pressure and liquid head, the static insulation pressure, the insulation pressure as the inner tank expands after an in-service period, and the purging or operating pressure of the space between the inner and outer tank shells, unless the pressure is equalized on both sides of the inner tank.

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