API standard 650 ground supported flat-bottom tanks anchor straps
Lateral braces between outer bay rafters must be provided if asymmetrical structural shapes are used for rafters and if the API standard 650 ground supported flat-bottom tanks API 650 tanks are located in areas subject to earthquakes. The bracing must be adequately sized for the seismic zone specified.
API standard 650 ground supported flat-bottom tanks Breathing valve: The function of the oil tank breathing valve is to adjust the oil and gas pressure in the tank. When the pressure in the tank is too high, part of the excess oil and gas will be discharged through the breathing valve to reduce the pressure in the tank; when the pressure in the tank is too low, through breathing The valve sucks in air from the outside of the tank to increase the pressure in the tank and keep it constant with the atmospheric pressure. The breathing valve is usually installed at the top of the oil tank.
The tank 20-in. inside-diameter nozzle shown in Figure F-6 is located in solid plate in the sidewall of a cylindrical storage tank 148 ft in diameter in an area where the thickness of the wall plate, tw, is 11/2 in. A corrosion allowance of 0.10 in. is required on all surfaces of the tank exposed to the stored liquid. The total internal pressure, Pl + Pg, at the center of the opening is 24.9 lbf/in.2 gauge. The thickness of the API standard 650 ground supported flat-bottom tanks wall plate, t, required by 5.10.3 for the latitudinal unit forces, T2, acting at this level is 1.44 in.
The company has the industry's advanced automated production lines and precision laboratory instruments and a capable steel industry management team. Through scientific management, optimized technology, and rigorous testing, the company will keep the production efficiency and production quality at the leading level in the industry and continue to provide customers with high-quality API standard 650 ground supported flat-bottom tanks products. At the same time, the company is committed to building a comprehensive steel manufacturing industry and strives to make the company leads new progress and development.
Land transportation inquiry: (RMB fee) it is required to master the kilometers and towing price of major cities; packing price of each port area; customs clearance fee, commodity inspection fee, and animal and plant inspection fee standard. Key information to be clarified after accepting the consignation of the consignor (generally fax): shipping date, number of packages, box type, box quantity, gross weight and volume.