API standard 650 floating-roof tanks compartment sheets

When the API standard 650 floating-roof tanks top shell course is the minimum thickness indicated in 5.10.4, Table 5-6 and Figure 5-6, details a – e, h and i, the minimum anchorage shall be designed for normal loads as specified by the Purchaser and by this standard. See for the allowable stress. When the top shell course is thickened beyond the minimum thickness provided in Table 5-6 or as in Figure 5-6, details f and g, or a knuckle is used, the minimum anchorage shall be designed for three times the internal design pressure. The allowable stress for this loading is 90% of the minimum specified yield strength of anchorage material.

This specification, in conjunction with API 650 Standard, prescribes minimum standards for the API standard 650 floating-roof tanks design, supply fabrication, erection, and testing of field erected welded steel storage tanks complete with accessories as specified herein and as shown on attached datasheets and/or drawings.

The head of API standard 650 floating-roof tanks etc. vertical oil tank is the end cover on the top of vertical oil tank. It is used to separate the oil stored in the tank and the medium outside the tank, and also used to bear the pressure on the top of the vertical oil tank. The quality of the head is closely related to the long-term safety of the API standard 650 floating-roof tanks. The head surface can be divided into convex shape, cone shape and flat shape according to its shape. The oil tank head can not be disassembled after welding.

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