API standard 650 flat-bottom tanks in various sizes and capacities
Changes in Tank ShapeIf in any of the foregoing tests there is an excessive rise of the bottom of the tank around the boundary of contact with grade, or off its foundations, or if any of the specified conditions of test loading cause other appreciable changes in the shape of the tank, the design shall be reviewed and means shall be provided in the tank for holding the shape within permissible limits under all conditions of loading,API standard 650 flat-bottom tanks. Additional TestsThe tests prescribed in API 620 tank 7.18 are believed to be sufficient for most tanks constructed according to these rules; if, in the opinion of the designer, additional tests are needed to investigate the safety of a tank under certain other conditions of loading, as determined from the design computations, these tests shall be made on the tank involved in addition to the tests specified in this standard.These API 650 documents will define the bases of design, operation, inspection, tests, examinations, and maintenance of an API standard 650 flat-bottom tanks industrial facility. Bidders will study and analyze all this API 650 documentation, both during the preparation of the quotation and during the execution of each project activity.LSAW Pipe to Peru. In the beginning of 2014, Peru government released an international tender for one of the hydroelectric power plant. Finally they chose us as the contractor, we purchased the steel plate and then fabricate the API standard 650 flat-bottom tanks steel plate into steel pipe, and then make the corrosion protect on the surface, we also supply the fitting with our steel plate, the total value of this order is about 2 million USD.Deformation of the welding seam of the API standard 650 flat-bottom tanks is a common quality problem during the actual use of the API standard 650 flat-bottom tanks, which easily causes the tank body to leak and affects the safety of the oil storage tank. The welding seam deformation of the API standard 650 flat-bottom tanks is mainly caused by the lack of reserved welding seam gap and irregular operation. The oil storage tank has not reserved the corresponding weld gap, resulting in deeper root removal during the front welding activity. The heat output of the weld will increase under the influence of a long time, and the deformation of the weld will gradually become serious.Our company will accept the product quality objection registration record, pass it to the API standard 650 flat-bottom tanks production unit and relevant departments, and timely coordinate the supervision of product API standard 650 flat-bottom tanks quality objection. Our company coordinates the relevant department personnel to the customer unit to carry on the investigation, the processing.
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