API standard 650 carbon and low-alloy steel tanks NPS 4. plugs
There is a gap of 100 mm to 500 mm between the shell of API 650 crude oil storage API standard 650 carbon and low-alloy steel tanks tank and the floating plate of external floating roof to ensure that there is no chuck during operation. Use API standard 650 carbon and low-alloy steel tanks edge sealing system to reduce edge evaporation. The support legs of API 650 crude oil tank floating roof are usually movable and retractable and suspended in liquid.
Aspire to technological innovation and pursue first-class quality steel API standard 650 carbon and low-alloy steel tanks products.Take independent innovation as an important support for the sustainable development of iron and steel industry, strengthen the main position of technological innovation, accelerate the original innovation, integrated innovation, introduction, digestion, absorption and re innovation, improve the technological innovation system, and cultivate the core technology and brand products of independent intellectual property rights.
Manufacturer’s Report and CertificateUpon completion of all tests and inspections on each tank API standard 650 carbon and low-alloy steel tanks, the Manufacturer shall prepare a report summarizing all the data on the tank, including foundations (if they are within the Manufacturer’s scope of responsibility) and shall attach to the report all drawings and charts as required by other paragraphs in this section of the rules (see API 620 tank 7.13 and Appendix M).The tank Manufacturer shall furnish and fill out a certificate for each tank (such as that shown in Appendix M), attesting that the tank has been constructed according to the rules in this standard. This certificate shall be signed by the Manufacturer and the Purchaser’s inspector. This certificate, together with the nameplate or markings placed on the tank, shall guarantee that the Manufacturer has complied with all applicable requirements of these rules.