API standard 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks minimum roof live load

Allowable compressive stresses shall be in accordance with 5.5.4 except that for aluminum alloy plate the allowable compressive stresses shall be reduced by the ratio of the modulus of compressive elasticity to 29,000 for values of (t – c)/R less than 0.0175 and by the ratio of the minimum yield strength for the aluminum alloy in question to 30,000 for values of (t – c)/R equal to or greater than 0.0175 (see 5.5.2 for definitions). In all other equations in this standard API standard 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks where yield strength or modulus of elasticity is used, such as Equations 27 and 28, similar corrections shall be made for aluminum alloys.

The interior of API 650 storage tanks to be internally lined or coated must have all edges rounded to a minimum of 3 mm radius. Internal welds must be completely seal welded, ground smooth, and free from API standard 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks surface porosity, pockets, and high spots. Remove weld spatter. Vendor as specified on API 650 storage tanks drawing must perform additional surface preparation.

API standard 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks Drain hole: The drain hole is generally installed at the bottom of the oil tank, used to remove sludge when cleaning the oil tank, and usually used to drain the sewage in the tank. API standard 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks Safety valve: The role of the safety valve is to play a safety role when the breathing valve fails during the operation of the oil tank. Its working pressure is slightly higher than the pressure of the breathing valve, which can prevent the tank from being damaged due to the high positive or negative pressure in the tank. The safety valve is usually installed in the middle of the API standard 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks top.

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