API standard 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks drain piping

For API 650 tanks Projection from outside of tank shell to extreme face of flange - plus or minus 5 mm. API standard 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks Elevation or radial location - plus or minus 6 mm. API 650 tanks Flange tilt in any plane, measured on the diameter across the gasket surface - plus or minus degree but not exceeding 5 mm. Flange bolt hole orientation - plus or minus 2 mm.

Shell Stiffening Rings for Tanks That Contain Liquid
Internal or external shell stiffening rings may be required to maintain roundness when the tank is subjected to wind, vacuum, or other specified loads. When API standard 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks stiffening rings are required, the stiffener-to-shell weld details shall be in accordance with Figure Q-1 and Q.3.5.2 through Q.3.5.5.
Three-plate laps or butt-weld junctions in tank bottoms shall be not closer than 12 in. from each other or from the butt-welds of the annular plates.
Bottom plates, other than annular bottom plates for a 9% or 5% nickel steel or stainless steel tank that contains liquid, may have a minimum thickness of 3/16 in. exclusive of any specified corrosion allowance.

X-ray inspection is mainly applicable to the internal inspection of pressure bearing parts and materials of metal oil tanks such as API standard 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks. It can clearly find the blocky defects inside the welded joints. However, the cost and resource consumption of radiographic testing are large. Magnetic particle testing can effectively detect the surface and near surface defects of API standard 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks etc. metal oil tanks, but magnetic particle testing can not effectively identify the internal defects of oil tanks.

Group consciousness is an important psychological factor for the formation of enterprise internal cohesion. The formation of API standard 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks enterprise group consciousness makes every employee of the enterprise regard their work and behavior as an integral part of the realization of enterprise goals, make them feel proud of themselves as a member of the enterprise, have a sense of honor for the achievements of the enterprise, and thus regard the API standard 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks enterprise as the community and belonging of their own interests.

Our company is located in the Central Plains, Zhengzhou City, convenient transportation. There is the largest Xinzheng airport, welcome customers from all over the world to visit our company. Our factories are all located near the port. The logistics is very convenient, which can save the delivery time.

Our company will accept the product quality objection registration record, pass it to the API standard 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks production unit and relevant departments, and timely coordinate the supervision of product API standard 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks quality objection. Our company coordinates the relevant department personnel to the customer unit to carry on the investigation, the processing.

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