API 650 mixed material tanks weld metal
Material for the outer tank API 650 mixed material tanks and for the roof that contains the vaporized liquefied gas but is primarily subjected to atmospheric temperatures may conform to one of the following:a)Table 4-1 for design metal temperatures down to –35°F (lowest 1-day mean ambient temperature of–35°F) without impact test unless they are required by Table 4-1 or by the Purchaser.b)Table R-3 for design metal temperatures down to –60°F without impact tests unless they are required by Table R-4 or by the Purchaser.Compared with the fixed roof API 650 oil storage tank without API 650 mixed material tanks floating roof, there is no evaporation space. In principle, this eliminates the so-called "large breathing loss". Evaporation not only causes the loss of product quantity, but also affects the quality of API 650 mixed material tanks product and pollutes the environment.We have lots of successful cases, for example in July 2015, we exported 5714 tons ASTM A36 mild steel plate to Peru. After receiving the plates and putting then into use, our customer spoke highly of the ASTM A36 mild steel plate quality. In addition, the customer also introduced us an Venezuela customer, who bought 933 tons A36 steel API 650 mixed material tanks plate from us. And then in Mar. 2016, due to the first cooperation in July 2015 is very successful. The customer is very satisfied with our product quality and comprehensive service. This time, the customer place an 3989 tons order directly.Some defects may be found after the regular safety inspection for the API 650 mixed material tanks. The common API 650 mixed material tanks defects are: Tank cracks, tank welding defects. The cracks on the base metal, surface and near surface of the tank wall shall be eliminated by grinding with circular arc, and then magnetic particle inspection or re inspection shall be carried out. Cracks in heat affected zone: generally, grinding method is used to eliminate cracks, and magnetic particle or dye flaw detection is used to confirm that there is no crack, and then repair welding or grinding smooth transition.We guarantee to provide all technical data required by users within one hour to provide reasonable quotation; to provide API 650 mixed material tanks reasonable quotation for products consulted by users within one hour; to provide investigation reception: we guarantee to receive the investigation of users at any time and provide various convenient conditions for users.
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