API 650 anchored tanks roof plates

The heat transfer oil fin tube heating device for large API 650 anchored tanks heats the circulating heat transfer oil in the shell and tube heat exchanger through high temperature and high pressure steam. The heat transfer oil exchanges heat with the medium to be heated in the storage tank through the heating coil, so as to heat the storage medium. High temperature heat transfer oil fin tube heating device has the following advantages:
1. High heat transfer efficiency
2. Reduce heating coil leakage
3. Easy to repair and maintain

Allowable Design Stresses
The maximum allowable design stresses for the API 650 anchored tanks materials outlined in Q.2.1 shall be in accordance with Table Q-3.The values for the allowable design tensile stress given in Table Q-3 for materials other than bolting steel are the lesser of (a) 331/3% of the specified minimum ultimate tensile strength for the material or (b) 662/3% of the specified minimum yield strength, but they are 75% of the specified minimum yield strength for the stainless steel, nickel alloy, and aluminum materials. Allowable test stresses are based on the limitation of API 620 oil tank storage standard Q.8.1.3.

The outer FRP of API 650 oil tank will not produce electrolytic corrosion with groundwater and brine. The outer FRP will not corrode with gasoline, diesel oil and leaded gasoline API 650 anchored tanks. The leakage detector can monitor the whole process 24 hours to eliminate the potential pollution. The leakage detection system is convenient for the inspection and maintenance of API 650 oil tank, and protects the original ecological environment of soil and groundwater.

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