API 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks corrosion allowances
Bearing on FoundationsFoundations shall preferably be designed to resist the load exerted by the API Standard 620 tank and its contents when the tank is filled with water to the design liquid level. Foundations shall be designed at least for the maximum operating conditions including the wind load. During the API 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks water test, the total load on the foundation shall not exceed 125% of the allowable loading. If necessary, the water level during the test may be reduced below the design liquid level line so as not to exceed the 25% maximum overload (see Q.8.1.2).
Fixed roof API 650 oil storage tank includes inner floating roof tank, which API 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks can effectively prevent sand, rain, snow or dust from polluting the storage liquid. Under various weather conditions, API 650 oil storage tank can ensure the quality of liquid storage, which is called "all-weather API 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks storage tank".
Generally, the building area temperature of the API 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks should be considered before the tank design and construction. The temperature in the API 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks building area is closely related to the evaporation loss, energy loss, storage tank materials and the selection of detection instruments, or has a direct impact on the storage cost of the storage liquid. For the same medium, the higher the air temperature and the longer the duration, the higher the material temperature in the API 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks, the higher the corresponding pressure and the more volatile loss.