aluminum sheet 5154 API 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks
API 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks foam generator is a fire extinguishing device fixed on the oil tank. One end of the foam generator is connected to the foam pipeline, and one end is flanged on the top layer of the API 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks wall. Fire extinguishing foam flows through the air intake entrance of the fire foam chamber, inhaling a large amount of air to form foam, and breaking through the insulating glass into the tank (glass thickness is not greater than 2mm), so as to achieve the purpose of fire fighting.
Shell Stiffening Rings for Tanks That Contain Liquid: Internal or external shell stiffening rings may be required to maintain roundness when the API 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks is subjected to wind, vacuum, or other specified loads. When stiffening rings are required, the stiffener-to-shell weld details shall be in accordance with Figure R-1 and R.3.5.2 through API Standard 620 R.3.5.5. Three-plate laps or butt-weld junctions in the tank bottom shall be not closer than 12 in. from each other and/or the butt-welds of the annular plate.
In API 650 oil storage tank, when the mixing ratio of combustible medium and air reaches a certain limit, it is easy to cause explosion. Therefore, it is necessary to add API 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks external floating roof to open cylindrical steel API 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks tank. At present, the external floating roof is most suitable for large-scale API 650 oil storage tank in China, ranging from 20000, 30000, 50000 cubic meters to 100000 cubic meters.