A737 Gr B plates API 650 austenitic stainless steel storage tanks

API 650 external floating roof storage tanks are generally called external floating roof API 650 austenitic stainless steel storage tanks tanks, which means that the storage tanks are externally open tanks without a dome design, and are equipped with vertical floating roofs. API 650 external floating roof storage tanks are usually used for large More than 20,000 cubic meters of open steel API 650 austenitic stainless steel storage tanks storage tanks for storing volatile petroleum products such as crude oil, gasoline, kerosene, etc.

In the petrochemical industry and other industries, large vertical API 650 austenitic stainless steel storage tanks are often used to store various production raw materials. Usually, the medium with high melting point and easy to crystallize at room temperature can be exported and used after heating, which involves the heating of large vertical storage tanks. The heating system is an auxiliary facility for heating of large vertical storage tank. It is often necessary to design external heating coil or internal heating coil system.

In addition to the requirements of API Standard 620 tank Appendix Q.8.1, the nameplate shall be attached to the tank at an accessible location if it is outside of any insulation or protective covering of the tank. The nameplate for the inner tank shall be located on the outer tank wall but shall refer to the inner tank. The nameplate, if any, for the outer tank of a double-wall tank shall be located adjacent to the nameplate or the inner tank and shall refer to the outer tank.

We can process the steel materials according to your drawing. Or if you can not make drawing, please send us API 650 austenitic stainless steel storage tanks specific data and requirements, our technical department can make design and drawing for you, and then confirm with your technician or engineer. If all is OK, our processing center will process the steel materials according to the drawing. So no matter what size and shapes you need, we can meet demands at the most time.

As steel transportation belongs to the transportation of major parts, so in the process of transportation, modern logistics technology, such as centralized transportation, information technology, is a bit out of place. Based on the current situation of China's API 650 austenitic stainless steel storage tanks steel transportation industry, highway transportation is a way of transportation that many enterprises often choose. Naturally, its business volume also accounts for more than 50% of the whole API 650 austenitic stainless steel storage tanks steel transportation industry.

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