5154 aluminum bar API Std 650 liquid-storage tanks

For floating roof API 650 tanks, the net working capacity is the liquid volume contained between the API Std 650 liquid-storage tanks maximum operating level (300 mm below rim for metallic type seals and 600 mm below rim for fabric type seals) and the minimum operating level (API 650 tanks roof supports clearing the tank bottom by 25 mm while set at the operating position).

During the use of API Std 650 liquid-storage tanks, the tank material is prone to crack and leakage under the action of pressure, corrosion, wear and other conditions. Especially in the oil producing area, the temperature difference in four seasons is large and the natural environment is bad, which will accelerate the consumption of oil storage tank and cause many potential safety hazards. Therefore, the API Std 650 liquid-storage tanks must undergo strict inspections before being put into use after the production and installation are completed, so as to avoid cracks and leakage in short-term use and affect production safety.

Shell Stiffening Rings for Tanks That Contain Liquid
Internal or external shell stiffening rings may be required to maintain roundness when the tank is subjected to wind, vacuum, or other specified loads. When API Std 650 liquid-storage tanks stiffening rings are required, the stiffener-to-shell weld details shall be in accordance with Figure Q-1 and Q.3.5.2 through Q.3.5.5.
Three-plate laps or butt-weld junctions in tank bottoms shall be not closer than 12 in. from each other or from the butt-welds of the annular plates.
Bottom plates, other than annular bottom plates for a 9% or 5% nickel steel or stainless steel tank that contains liquid, may have a minimum thickness of 3/16 in. exclusive of any specified corrosion allowance.

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