5052 aluminum rod API Std 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks
The cone slope of the completed API Std 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks foundation is 15/1000 for the general foundation and less than 35/1000 for the soft foundation. After the foundation settlement of the storage tank is basically stable, the surface slope must be greater than eight thousandths. The edge of the tank bottom should be more than 0.3 meters higher than the surrounding ground. Above the ground, the tank bottom leakage detection tube should be drawn from the foundation sand cushion and cross the foundation ring wall or the slope protection surface. The circumferential distance should be less than 20 meters, and each API Std 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks should have at least 4 detection tubes.
Facilities for API 620 Storage Tanks InspectorThe manufacturer shall afford the inspector all reasonable facilities for testing and inspection and shall provide mutually agreeable advance notification to permit the examiner to witness all tests of the equipment and materials during fabrication, including all laboratory tests of the material to be used and all hydrostatic and pneumatic tests at the site of erection.The API Std 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks inspector shall be permitted free access to all parts of the plant concerned with the manufacture of the tank during fabrication and to all parts of the plants of material suppliers who are concerned with the manufacture of materials to be used in the tank.
API 650 is constructed from carbon steel, austenitic duplex stainless steel, and API Std 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks aluminium A Welding Certification is stipulated by American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Section 10. There is a required inspection, no third party. The inspection cost is the cost of the NDE.