Piping systems connected to API standard 650 aluminum tanks
API standard 650 aluminum tanks Nondestructive testing is a technical means to detect the weld defects of large vertical tank and judge whether the weld is qualified by using the characteristics of sound, light, magnetism and electricity without damaging the tested object. Common nondestructive testing methods: ultrasonic testing (UT), magnetic particle testing (MT), liquid penetrant testing (PT) and X-ray testing (RT).
Allowable Design StressesThe maximum allowable design stresses for the API standard 650 aluminum tanks materials outlined in Q.2.1 shall be in accordance with Table Q-3.The values for the allowable design tensile stress given in Table Q-3 for materials other than bolting steel are the lesser of (a) 331/3% of the specified minimum ultimate tensile strength for the material or (b) 662/3% of the specified minimum yield strength, but they are 75% of the specified minimum yield strength for the stainless steel, nickel alloy, and aluminum materials. Allowable test stresses are based on the limitation of API 620 oil tank storage standard Q.8.1.3.
Prevent the storage liquid from impacting the inner wall of the API 650 petroleum storage tank or increase the internal pressure, reduce the corrosion of the tank top and the tank wall, and extend the service life of the API standard 650 aluminum tanks storage tank.