API Std 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks with open vents

Shell Stiffening Rings for Tanks That Contain Liquid: Internal or external shell stiffening rings may be required to maintain roundness when the API Std 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks is subjected to wind, vacuum, or other specified loads. When stiffening rings are required, the stiffener-to-shell weld details shall be in accordance with Figure R-1 and R.3.5.2 through API Standard 620 R.3.5.5. Three-plate laps or butt-weld junctions in the tank bottom shall be not closer than 12 in. from each other and/or the butt-welds of the annular plate.

The outer FRP of API 650 oil tank will not produce electrolytic corrosion with groundwater and brine. The outer FRP will not corrode with gasoline, diesel oil and leaded gasoline API Std 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks. The leakage detector can monitor the whole process 24 hours to eliminate the potential pollution. The leakage detection system is convenient for the inspection and maintenance of API 650 oil tank, and protects the original ecological environment of soil and groundwater.

The manufacturing requirements of bottom plate of vertical metal tank, API Std 650 aboveground steel oil storage tanks are as follows: 1. In order to compensate welding shrinkage, the layout diameter of tank bottom is 5-2mm than the design diameter; 2. The butt joint of edge plate of tank bottom shall be machined automatically or semi-automatically; 3. The distance between any two adjacent welding joints on the tank bottom plate and the distance between the butt joint of edge plate and the longitudinal weld of bottom ring wall plate shall not be greater than 200 mm.

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