API Std 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks joint penetration
API 650 petroleum storage tank body design is mainly the design of tank bottom, API Std 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks tank top and tank wall, and the design of tank wall is particularly important. As the main pressure bearing part of API 650 petroleum storage tank, the tank wall bears loads including liquid pressure, wind pressure, seismic load, opening stress, etc. The calculation of such loads is explained in detail in various API Std 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks storage tank design standards. But in addition, the API 650 petroleum storage tank wall also bears the push-pull force and torque of the connected pipeline.
Generally, the snow load in the API Std 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks construction area should be considered before the design and construction of the tank. The snow load in the API Std 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks construction area has an impact on the tank roof design and operation, especially in the area with large snow load, the roof load of large storage tank with large diameter increases. Anti freezing, heat preservation and waterproof measures shall be taken for the additional facilities of storage tanks, such as pumps, breathing valves, flame arresters, detection instruments and thermal insulation layers.
The API 650 oil tank stiffener ring and backing strip, if used, are primary components, and they shall comply with the requirements of R.2.1. The API Std 650 aboveground petroleum storage tanks stiffener ring may be fabricated from plate using an intermittent weld on alternating sides between the web and the flange. One rat hole with a minimum radius of 3/4 in. shall be provided at each longitudinal shell joint and ring juncture weld.
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