API Std 650 aboveground oil storage tanks shop inspection
API 650 petroleum storage tank body design is mainly the design of tank bottom, API Std 650 aboveground oil storage tanks tank top and tank wall, and the design of tank wall is particularly important. As the main pressure bearing part of API 650 petroleum storage tank, the tank wall bears loads including liquid pressure, wind pressure, seismic load, opening stress, etc. The calculation of such loads is explained in detail in various API Std 650 aboveground oil storage tanks storage tank design standards. But in addition, the API 650 petroleum storage tank wall also bears the push-pull force and torque of the connected pipeline.
Some defects may be found after the regular safety inspection for the API Std 650 aboveground oil storage tanks. The common API Std 650 aboveground oil storage tanks defects are: Tank cracks, tank welding defects. The cracks on the base metal, surface and near surface of the tank wall shall be eliminated by grinding with circular arc, and then magnetic particle inspection or re inspection shall be carried out. Cracks in heat affected zone: generally, grinding method is used to eliminate cracks, and magnetic particle or dye flaw detection is used to confirm that there is no crack, and then repair welding or grinding smooth transition.
Material for the outer tank API Std 650 aboveground oil storage tanks and for the roof that contains the vaporized liquefied gas but is primarily subjected to atmospheric temperatures may conform to one of the following:a)Table 4-1 for design metal temperatures down to –35°F (lowest 1-day mean ambient temperature of–35°F) without impact test unless they are required by Table 4-1 or by the Purchaser.b)Table R-3 for design metal temperatures down to –60°F without impact tests unless they are required by Table R-4 or by the Purchaser.
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