API standard 650 welded steel oil storage tanks carbon steel anchor straps
Due to irregular operation of API standard 650 welded steel oil storage tanks welding, there are many weld deformations during the construction process. Before specific operations, most construction units have formulated relatively complete construction plans and set up special welding process instructions, but the operators have not fully performed welding in accordance with various process guidance requirements and construction specifications, resulting in some quality problems of oil storage tanks. How can we reduce or even avoid this kind of situation?
Cylindrical Oil Storage Tanks Discharge PipesWhen a discharge pipe is used on the outlet side of such relieving devices, its area shall be not less than the area of the valve outlet, or if a single pipe provides for discharge from several relief devices, its area shall be not less than the aggregate area of the valve outlets. The API standard 650 welded steel oil storage tanks discharge pipe shall be fitted with an open drain to prevent water or other liquids from lodging in the discharge side of the valves.Discharge pipes shall be supported so that no undue stress is placed on the valve body. Open discharges shall be placed and oriented so that the outflow is directed away from the tank and will not create a hazard over walkways, stairways, or operating platforms.
Tanks which are designed following rules and guidelines of API 650 are API 650 tanks. API 650 API standard 650 welded steel oil storage tanks is the governing code for Welded tanks for Oil storage normally operating in the atmospheric pressure range. The code API 650 provides guidelines for design, fabrication, material, erection, and inspection of welded vertical and cylindrical storage tanks. Such API standard 650 welded steel oil storage tanks Tanks must be above ground with a closed or open top.