API standard 650 aboveground welded storage tanks fittings
Test plates shall be welded using the same qualified welding procedure and electrodes that are required for the tank shell plate joints. The API 620 steel storage tank test plates need not be welded as an extension of the tank shell joint but shall be welded in the required qualifying positions. One test weld shall be made on a set of plates from each specification and grade of API standard 650 aboveground welded storage tanks plate material, using a thickness that would qualify for all thicknesses in the shell. Each test welded of thickness t shall qualify for plate thicknesses from 2t down to t/2, but not less than 5/8 in. For plate thicknesses less than 5/8 in., a test weld shall be made for the thinnest shell plate to be welded; this test weld will qualify plate thicknesses from t up to 2t.
In Appendix E to API 650 oil storage tank, the maximum values of inertia force, pulse pressure and convection pressure are superimposed, and tend to be conservative.In GB50341, only pulse pressure is calculated for API standard 650 aboveground welded storage tanks tanks below 5000 m.
Prefabricating API standard 650 aboveground welded storage tanks components before construction can improve construction efficiency, save time and cost, and is currently a common method for the construction of large vertical storage tanks. The main prefabricated components of a large vertical API standard 650 aboveground welded storage tanks include the tank body, the storage tank wall, the top of the storage tank, the bottom of the storage tank, and the accessories of the storage tank. The prefabrication of the components should follow a reasonable workflow, and carry out appropriate heat treatment and testing, so as to improve manufacturing accuracy.