API 650 partially anchored liquid-storage tanks roof plates
Allowable compressive stresses shall be in accordance with 5.5.4 except that for aluminum alloy plate the allowable compressive stresses shall be reduced by the ratio of the modulus of compressive elasticity to 29,000 for values of (t – c)/R less than 0.0175 and by the ratio of the minimum yield strength for the aluminum alloy in question to 30,000 for values of (t – c)/R equal to or greater than 0.0175 (see 5.5.2 for definitions). In all other equations in this standard API 650 partially anchored liquid-storage tanks where yield strength or modulus of elasticity is used, such as Equations 27 and 28, similar corrections shall be made for aluminum alloys.
The inner layer of API 650 tank is the same as that of single layer tank. It is made of high-quality steel plate in strict accordance with the standard of "steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel". The thickness of API 650 partially anchored liquid-storage tanks steel plate reaches the standard and the service life is longer.
Comparison of the quality of mechanical cleaning and manual cleaning of vertical storage tanks, API 650 partially anchored liquid-storage tanks. The mechanical cleaning of the API 650 partially anchored liquid-storage tanks can make the inside of the tank be thoroughly cleaned in multiple directions, and the cleaning quality is high, and the cleaned oil does not contain lumpy impurities. While the walls and roof of the API 650 partially anchored liquid-storage tanks cannot be cleaned in multiple directions during manual cleaning, and the cleaning quality is not easy to be guaranteed. The oily sewage collected after cleaning usually contains a lot of lumpy impurities, and these oil products are difficult to clean.