API 650 mechanically-anchored flat-bottom tanks roof manholes

The manufacturing requirements of bottom plate of vertical metal tank, API 650 mechanically-anchored flat-bottom tanks are as follows: 1. In order to compensate welding shrinkage, the layout diameter of tank bottom is 5-2mm than the design diameter; 2. The butt joint of edge plate of tank bottom shall be machined automatically or semi-automatically; 3. The distance between any two adjacent welding joints on the tank bottom plate and the distance between the butt joint of edge plate and the longitudinal weld of bottom ring wall plate shall not be greater than 200 mm.

In cylindrical tank walls, the longitudinal weld joints in adjacent shell courses, including compression ring welds, shall be offset from each other a minimum distance of 12 in. The butt-weld around the periphery of a thickened insert plate, or the fillet weld around the periphery of a reinforcing plate, shall be at least the greater of 10 times the shell thickness or 12 in. from any butt-welded seam or the bottom-to-shell or roof-to-shell joint. As an alternative, the insert plate (or the API 650 mechanically-anchored flat-bottom tanks reinforcing plate in an assembly that does not require stress relief) may extend to and intersect a flat-bottom-to-shell corner joint at approximately 90 degrees.

API 650 petroleum storage tank specifications and standards are documents verified by the customer (owner) under different operating conditions; however, API 650 mechanically-anchored flat-bottom tanks it must be verified whether these API 650 petroleum storage tank documents are suitable for use and whether they comply with applicable design specifications and/or specifications.

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Our company has strict quality control standards. If you want to visit our factory, you are welcome at any time! We produce a lot of steel products every month to export API 650 mechanically-anchored flat-bottom tanks to all over the world. Because our customers are from all countries, they will order a large number of steel products from our company every month.

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