API 650 anchored liquid-storage tanks double-flanged, low-type nozzles

BBN company team and culture: tt the end of 2019, in order to thank employees for their hard work and enrich their sparetime lives, the company organized a pleasant trip to Phuket Island, Thailand. This tour lasted 6 days and 5 nights, and returned by plane on the evening of December 27. We took off in Zhengzhou at about 5o'clock in the afternoon on the 22th December. Let's seize the day and live it to the full, and greet the arrival of the year 2020 together.Low-pressure storage tanks Fireproofing
Although general fire prevention and fire protection measures are expected to be fully covered by other safety codes, tanks API 650 anchored liquid-storage tanks constructed according to these rules, which may be subject to fire exposure resulting from any cause, shall have their supports suitably fireproofed.
Special consideration shall be given to provisions for ample drainage facilities for accidental spills or leakage of flammable contents from such tanks or adjacent piping and other equipment if the contents may become ignited.
Subject to special considerations in isolated locations, tanks in which flammable liquid products are stored at temperatures well above their average boiling point shall be suitably fireproofed or otherwise protected.Before pressure testing, thoroughly flush the API 650 tank floating roof primary drain hose system. Supply API 650 anchored liquid-storage tanks blind flanges, gaskets, and bolting (for other types of blanking covers as may be required) necessary for testing.We have a stable system and professional human resource management work as the support, from the six aspects of guidance, cohesion, incentive, constraint, radiation and stability, we continue to introduce, modify and train employees from concept to action, and shape employees through constant guidance of common values.In order to ensure the safety of the vertical storage tank, API 650 anchored liquid-storage tanks, the supplier should inspect the tank carefully before delivery. The failure of the tank body is mainly due to the weld and crack of the product. The inspection of API 650 anchored liquid-storage tanks, vertical storage tank weld and microcrack is mainly to inspect the appearance forming quality of weld. The inspection contents include weld leg height, undercut, welding deformation, weld bead, arc pit, weld straightness, etc., as well as the internal quality of weld, such as slag inclusion, porosity, incomplete penetration, crack, incomplete fusion, etc.

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